During my work on the Minesweeper Project, I developed a C++ implementation of the floodfill algorithm to simulate minesweeper classic behavior using Unreal Engine. Below are some of the key achievements:
Below is a key code snippet demonstrating the core Minesweeper algorithm implementation from the project:
#include "MineSweeperGrid.h"
#include "GridCell.h"
// Initialize the Minesweeper grid
void AMineSweeperGrid::InitializeGrid()
for (int32 Row = 0; Row < Rows; ++Row)
for (int32 Col = 0; Col < Columns; ++Col)
CreateCell(Row, Col);
// Create a cell at the specified grid coordinates
void AMineSweeperGrid::CreateCell(int32 Row, int32 Column)
FVector Location = FVector(Row * CellSize, Column * CellSize, 0);
AGridCell* NewCell = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(Cell, Location, FRotator::ZeroRotator);
NewCell->Initialize(Row, Column);
GridArray[Row][Column] = NewCell;
// Place bombs randomly in the grid
void AMineSweeperGrid::PlaceBombs()
for (int32 i = 0; i < TotalBombs; ++i)
int32 Row = FMath::RandRange(0, Rows - 1);
int32 Column = FMath::RandRange(0, Columns - 1);
MineSweeper Project showcases the implementation of a 3D Minesweeper game using Unreal Engine, focusing on classic game mechanics and interactive grid functionality. The project demonstrates effective use of Unreal Engine for game development.