MineSweeper Project

MineSweeper Project Screenshot

During my work on the Minesweeper Project, I developed a C++ implementation of the floodfill algorithm to simulate minesweeper classic behavior using Unreal Engine. Below are some of the key achievements:

  • Implemented classic Minesweeper mechanics in a 3D environment.
  • Developed interactive grid with hover and click functionality.
  • Optimized performance for smooth gameplay.
  • Provided visual feedback for different cell states.

Technologies Used
  • Unreal Engine
  • C++
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio

Challenges and Solutions
  • Challenge: Creating an intuitive 3D grid interface.
    Solution: Designed user-friendly interactions and visual cues.
  • Challenge: Ensuring smooth and responsive gameplay.
    Solution: Focused on performance optimization and efficient event handling.

Project Achievements
  • Successfully developed a 3D Minesweeper game.
  • Enhanced user engagement with interactive gameplay.
  • Optimized game performance for a smooth user experience.

Code Snippets

Below is a key code snippet demonstrating the core Minesweeper algorithm implementation from the project:

   #include "MineSweeperGrid.h"
   #include "GridCell.h"
   // Initialize the Minesweeper grid
   void AMineSweeperGrid::InitializeGrid()
       for (int32 Row = 0; Row < Rows; ++Row)
           for (int32 Col = 0; Col < Columns; ++Col)
               CreateCell(Row, Col);
   // Create a cell at the specified grid coordinates
   void AMineSweeperGrid::CreateCell(int32 Row, int32 Column)
       FVector Location = FVector(Row * CellSize, Column * CellSize, 0);
       AGridCell* NewCell = GetWorld()->SpawnActor(Cell, Location, FRotator::ZeroRotator);
       NewCell->Initialize(Row, Column);
       GridArray[Row][Column] = NewCell;
   // Place bombs randomly in the grid
   void AMineSweeperGrid::PlaceBombs()
       for (int32 i = 0; i < TotalBombs; ++i)
           int32 Row = FMath::RandRange(0, Rows - 1);
           int32 Column = FMath::RandRange(0, Columns - 1);

MineSweeper Project showcases the implementation of a 3D Minesweeper game using Unreal Engine, focusing on classic game mechanics and interactive grid functionality. The project demonstrates effective use of Unreal Engine for game development.

Release Date july 7, 2024
Category Simulation, AI
Connect with me
Khaled Zakaria • Game Developer • Unreal engine Programmer • Instructor • Game Programmer •