Boids and Flocking Project

BoidsCPP Project Screenshot

During my work on the Boids and Flocking Project, I developed a C++ implementation of the Boids algorithm to simulate flocking behavior using Unreal Engine. Below are some of the key achievements:

  • Implemented core Boids algorithm for simulating flocking behavior of birds.
  • Developed advanced steering behaviors for realistic movement.
  • Optimized performance for handling large numbers of Boids.
  • Created visual representation using Unreal Engine.

Technologies Used
  • Unreal Engine
  • C++
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio

Challenges and Solutions
  • Challenge: Optimizing the algorithm for real-time simulation.
    Solution: Implemented spatial partitioning techniques to reduce computational complexity.
  • Challenge: Creating realistic steering behaviors.
    Solution: Developed advanced steering algorithms for cohesion, separation, and alignment.

Project Achievements
  • Successfully simulated flocking behavior with high performance.
  • Used as a teaching tool in computer graphics and AI courses.
  • Praised for clean and efficient code implementation.

Code Snippets

Below is a key code snippet demonstrating the core Boids algorithm implementation from the project:

#include "Boid.h"

// Update Boid position based on flocking behavior
void ABoid::UpdateBoid(float DeltaTime)
    FVector Alignment = CalculateAlignment();
    FVector Cohesion = CalculateCohesion();
    FVector Separation = CalculateSeparation();

    FVector Velocity = Alignment + Cohesion + Separation;
    Velocity = Velocity.GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxSpeed);

    FVector NewPosition = GetActorLocation() + (Velocity * DeltaTime);

FVector ABoid::CalculateAlignment()
    FVector Align = FVector::ZeroVector;
    for (ABoid* Boid : NeighboringBoids)
        Align += Boid->GetVelocity();
    Align /= NeighboringBoids.Num();
    Align = Align.GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxForce);
    return Align;

FVector ABoid::CalculateCohesion()
    FVector CenterOfMass = FVector::ZeroVector;
    for (ABoid* Boid : NeighboringBoids)
        CenterOfMass += Boid->GetActorLocation();
    CenterOfMass /= NeighboringBoids.Num();
    FVector CohesionForce = (CenterOfMass - GetActorLocation()).GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxForce);
    return CohesionForce;

FVector ABoid::CalculateSeparation()
    FVector SeparationForce = FVector::ZeroVector;
    for (ABoid* Boid : NeighboringBoids)
        FVector ToBoid = GetActorLocation() - Boid->GetActorLocation();
        SeparationForce += ToBoid / ToBoid.SizeSquared();
    SeparationForce = SeparationForce.GetClampedToMaxSize(MaxForce);
    return SeparationForce;

Boids and Flocking Project is an innovative simulation project that features the implementation of the Boids algorithm to create realistic flocking behaviors in a 3D environment using Unreal Engine 5. The project showcases advanced AI techniques and efficient code structure.

Release Date july 7, 2024
Category Simulation, AI
Connect with me
Khaled Zakaria • Game Developer • Unreal engine Programmer • Instructor • Game Programmer •