Hex Grid Island Builder®

Key Achievements in Hex Grid Island Builder

During my time working on Hex Grid Island Builder, I focused on developing a dynamic grid-based island-building game using Unreal Engine. Here are some of the key achievements and contributions:

  • Implemented a hexagonal grid system for island tile placement and management.
  • Developed procedural generation techniques using Perlin noise to create dynamic and realistic island landscapes.
  • Integrated a real-time strategy camera system for enhanced control and navigation.
  • Designed an interactive environment allowing players to build and customize their islands.
  • Optimized game performance for smooth and efficient operation.

Technologies Used
  • Unreal Engine
  • C++
  • Perlin Noise
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio

Challenges and Solutions
  • Challenge: Creating a realistic and dynamic island generation system.
    Solution: Utilized Perlin noise algorithms to generate natural-looking island landscapes within a hexagonal grid.
  • Challenge: Ensuring smooth performance with complex grid interactions.
    Solution: Optimized grid management and interaction handling for efficient performance.

Code Snippets

Below is an code snippet demonstrating procedural generation in Unreal Engine:

// HexGridIslandBuilder.cpp

void AHexGridIslandBuilder::GenerateIsland()
    for (int32 y = 0; y < GridHeight; y++)
        for (int32 x = 0; x < GridWidth; x++)
            FVector HexLocation = GetHexLocation(x, y);
            float NoiseValue = PerlinNoise.GetNoise(x * NoiseScale, y * NoiseScale);

            if (NoiseValue > WaterThreshold)
                SpawnTile(HexLocation, LandTile);
                SpawnTile(HexLocation, WaterTile);

FVector AHexGridIslandBuilder::GetHexLocation(int32 x, int32 y)
    float Offset = (y % 2 == 0) ? 0 : HexWidth / 2;
    return FVector(x * HexWidth + Offset, y * HexHeight * 0.75, 0);

void AHexGridIslandBuilder::SpawnTile(FVector Location, UClass* TileClass)
    FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
    GetWorld()->SpawnActor(TileClass, Location, FRotator::ZeroRotator, SpawnParams);

Hex Grid Island Builder is an innovative grid-based island-building game developed using Unreal Engine. The game allows players to build and customize their islands with a variety of tiles and procedural generation techniques. This was my first game project and it includes dynamic landscapes, real-time strategy elements, and seamless performance.

Release Date March 10, 2022
Category Simulation, Strategy
Connect with me
Khaled Zakaria • Game Developer • Unreal engine Programmer • Instructor • Game Programmer •